
Pastors & Staff

Jonathan & Angel Coronado

Lead Pastors

Jonathan & Angel Coronado are the senior pastors here at Revival City.  They have 4 children, Salisa (24), Jonathan Jr (22), Moriah (13) & Hannah (11). They have been called to this church to bring revival into our city, this region and globally. They are revivalists that walk in the supernatural gifting and have a passionate desire to see the 5-Fold ministry in full function within the church, and body of Christ.  His dynamic preaching style, anointing and demonstration of the gifts of the spirit are present every time he speaks and ministers.

Together they have a great passion to see the Yakima Valley delivered and saved by the Love and Power of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Revival is evident in their lives and is demonstrated in every gathering. Their Prophetic and Deliverance ministry launched over 20 years ago impacting many lives in the United States along with the Nations abroad.
Mark 16:20 And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Salisa Coronado

Visions Pastor/Praise Team Director/Creative Team Lead

Salisa was born and raised in the Yakima Valley. She has been part of praise and worship ministry for many years. She started singing as a child and has grown into a powerful tool for the Kingdom of God.
She has worked alongside her pastors/parents throughout their ministry and is a key leader in our church.
Salisa serves as our Praise Team leader, lead vocalist & director of our creative team.