I DEcided.

I Decided


 The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20).
 Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or you have just now given your life to Jesus,
we would be honored to baptize you! While being baptized does not guarantee your salvation (only your faith in Jesus Christ can do that), it is a step of obedience and a public profession of your faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptism Signup Form

Please sign up here to register for baptism.

Baptism FAQs

How do I know if I am ready to be baptized?
As soon as you have decided to receive Christ in your life you can and should be baptized. If you wait until you feel "worthy enough" to be baptized, you may never take that step. Your walk with Christ is a journey, where you will certainly go through ups and downs.
Do you baptize babies and young children?
We do not baptize babies or young children who are unable to make the decision to follow Christ for themselves. We instead will do a baby or child dedication as an act of consecrating them for the Lord.  We believe that when parents dedicate a child to God, with the support of family, friends and the church body, you are making a commitment to provide a spiritual foundation for the child’s life to be built upon.
I was baptized before when it wasn't my choice. Can I be baptized again?
Yes, if you would like to recommit your life to God we would be more than happy to baptize you at Revival City.
How often do you do baptisms at Revival City?
We perform baptisms every month at Revival City, but we can also baptize you at any time if you are ready to take that next step.
What should I wear to get baptized in?
We recommend wearing dark-colored, comfortable clothing while getting baptized. Many people get baptized in longer shorts, and a T-shirt. We are called to be modest as followers of Christ. We ask that you please avoid wearing white or light colored shirts, spaghetti straps or swimwear/undergarments unless covered by an additional layer of clothing. Males may not be shirtless when getting baptized.  If you have any questions on what acceptable attire is to be baptized in please contact us.  
How cold is the water?
The water in our baptismal tank is pre-heated to a comfortable temperature just for you.

Contact Us

If you have a question that wasn't answered above, please feel free to contact us.